First photo posted on Instagram on February 10 was the first obvious photo posted for this new Taylor Swift era. The caption mentions the number 7 and High fives, which can later be seen in the video. Friday July 5 could be the release date for the album. The photo is also geo tagged in London. This is significant because you can clearly see London as the location in the ME! music video! Her boyfriend Joe Alwyn’s Hometown. All meaningful!

Beginning on February 23, Taylor Swift literally started posting photos, which are a direct nod to her ME! Music video, and I’m shook. I cannot believe I’m just now noticing this!! She’s been teasing us all along and we didn’t even know she was tactfully planning right in front of our very eyes! She’s such a genius the way she artfully plans things for months… even years. Everything, every little details means something.

Video Clue Number 1

Taylor’s First Instagram post Clue for the ME! video

The instagram photo of Taylor’s cat sitting on the sofa matches the video with Olivia and Meredith making their cameo in the ME! video.

Taylor’s second Instagram post Clue for the ME! video

Video Clue Number 2

Photo number three revealed on instagram depicted Palm trees and an aqua blue sky with stars. Here, in the video, you see palm trees outside the window and the ceiling is the same color blue as the photo from instagram.  It’s quite possible the stars are symbolizing 4th of July!  You can clearly see six palm trees in the photo Taylor Posted on Instagram. The six trees seem to signify her six released studio albums.  The largest palm tree in the middle has yet to rise above the skyline in the photo because the album has not yet been released. Hence the stars in the sky!!!  On 4th of July (Midnight July 5th) her seventh studio album will release!

Taylor has been giving us mad clues since the reputation era began!  Her song End Game from the Reputation Album is stocked full of hints about the TS7 album releasing on the 4th of July.  All along, this was her “END GAME” This new Taylor swift era she’s been hinting at for the past two months was perhaps already planned out in advance and on track to launch after her 1989 Album.  But in July of 2016, a bully wrecked havoc on Swifts plans.  This would force her to scrap her original plan and burry the hatchet.  Instead, she would create the reputation era.  A very dark and moody vibe we are not used to seeing.  It’s clear though, all along, Taylor has this END GAME in mind…  This masterful plan to drop snippets of clues throughout her Reputation music videos so we can figure out what she’s up to next!  We’ll get to more of the End Game clues later!

Clue Number 3

Taylor’s third Instagram post Clue for the ME! video

Next, Taylor reveals a photo of her sitting on a spiral staircase with a piano underneath. In the video, it panes out to see a full staircase, and at the bottom of the many staircases, you can see a pattern on the floor that resembles piano keys! You can clearly count 13 clouds in this scene: “After the storm something was born on the 4th of JULY!!” lyrics again from End Game.  The number Thirteen most likely represents the 13 stripes on the American flag.

Video Clue Number Four

Taylor’s third Instagram post Clue for the ME! videoIn this fun shot, Taylor is seen wearing a yellow pantsuit with 7 briefcases or purses circling around her body. In her instagram post, she is hidden behind what looks like a lattice fence. She used a yellow filter over the photo to match the aesthetic in the video. She is also holding up two “high fives” as she first mentioned in her instagram post on February 10.  If you count 10 weeks from now, you get to July 5.   Most likely the release date for the new album! 7 briefcases = 7th month = July. Two high (fives) held up = 10 fingers =10 weeks from now= July 5 Release date. July 4th is a holiday Taylor absolutely loves! Meaning the album would drop at midnight on July 5. Just one minute after her favorite holiday. A perfect time to release the new album with her first single being a summer bop!  Taylor is known for throwing iconic 4th of July parties, however, for the past two consecutive years, she has ceased to throw a party.  Rumors broke in mid July 2016, most likely ruining a very special time for Swift.  Taylor admits getting in a really dark place emotionally after the rumors leaked and the Bully started the Snake Emoji war on social media.

Video Clue Number 5


A cat is seen for her next Instagram post. In the video there is a cat silhouette on the painting sitting in front of a closed door. You can see closed doors behind Taylor’s cat in her instagram post as well. The caption on this post says, “She just read all of your theories.”  You can clearly see the initials RF in the top right hand corner of the painting.  Perhaps “RF” means Reputation Failed/failure or Reputation Fear as she mentions being fearful of her Reputation tour after the the Manchester bombing and Las Vegas Shooting that had recently occurred.  Taylor’s concern is always with the safety of her fans and she wondered how they would manage to keep everyone safe during the tour.  She mentions this in her article with Elle Magazine “30 things I learned before turning 30.”  The clock sitting on the table could be positioned at 8:27.  It’s hard to tell with the angle.  August 27th was the release date for the music video LWYMMD.  The first real glimpse into the reputation era.  Back to the cat in the painting… you can see this same cat silhouette in the End game music video at 1:03 and again at 1:10 as Taylor sings “I don’t want to miss you,”  a possible hint for us to not miss this obvious clue.  The cat appears dark and mysterious just like the Reputation era.

Video Clue Number Six

Her very next instagram post, is her on the cover of ELLE! She’s wearing a bright yellow ensemble and the caption of her post reads ME.  Our first clue that the the new single is titled “ME!”   The yellow attire matches the same color she is wearing in the video as she sings the chorus Meeeeeeee. Oooooooooo! Her arms are stretched up high as if she’s flying.  This makes perfect sense because her outfit sleeves appear to be butterfly wings. There even looks as if there is a pair of wings behind her on the cover photo image from Elle Magazine.

Video Clue Number 7

Next, Taylor posts a sneaky clue!  She posts a purple photo of her sitting in a chair with her legs stretched out in a model position. In the video, one of the dancers wearing purple makes this same exact pose with her legs! This dancer is just to the right of Tayloor in the light pastel purple paint suit holding the vibrant aqua bag! I think the yellow and white stripes seen on the concrete pavement are symbolic in a huge way! There looks to be 13 stripes on the left side of the video screen.. 13 stripes on the American Flag, because she plans to release the album on July 4th!  This has to be another clue about an Independence day album release.

Video Clue Number Eight


Taylor Swift is Posing in this elegant stance in this aqua instagram post; one that mimics many of her moves seen in during her concert tour throughout the years! This is the same pose of Brendon Urie has as he descends to the rooftop guided by his umbrella.   Taylor’s sleeves also look similar to the black umbrellas seen in the video. In her instagram caption, she writes, “Got to write an essay for @elleuk about songwriting, what musically moves us and why, and the melodies that define our memories. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read it!” This could be her mentioning a love for the Musical Mary Poppins. A Mary Poppins musical theme can be seen throughout a lot of the ME! Video.  At her most recent Halloween parties, one of her squad girls was dressed as Mary Poppins… Could be another obvious clue she was delicately painting for us!

Video Clue Number 9

We see Taylor’s next instagram post is a purple photo of her within a diamond shape. The caption reads, “I love writing songs because I love preserving memories, like putting a picture frame around a feeling you once had.” In the video, Taylor is seen sitting atop a unicorn statue on the roof. Taylor is wearing a magnificient dress that is melting or falling away- could be foreshadowing Chrysalis metamorphosis. She along with the bottom of the dress creates the diamond shape you see in her instagram post. The rainbow in the video also seems to be framing the shot and leading you to the word “LOVER.” This could be a title for the next single she drops! Could this be a song written about a feeling she once had about an ex lover?!

Video Clue Number Ten

These lips confused me at first! Until I re-watched the video a few times and noticed if you pause it just after Brendon gives Taylor the kitten, she’s making the same expression on her face as she is in the instagram photo.

Video Clue number 11



This is another photo from Taylor’s Elle Feature! She has the same straight hairstyle with bangs as she does in this next music video scene! The caption of her instagram post reads, “Step into the daylight and let it go.” The music video literally shows her stepping into a Kaleidoscope world with the same color scheme used on her instagram photo. Stepping into this world, is symbolizing her letting her past go. She’s letting go of all the drama that came with the reputation era. This is also a hidden message from an old song lyric: In her Welcome to New York song from the 1989 Album, one of the lyrics reads: “Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats undercoats.” The video shows Brendon Urie opening his jacket to reveal a heart that when opened, shows this kaleidoscope tunnel to a new upbeat world.

Video Clue Number 12

In Taylor’s next Instagram post, it’s another photo from her Elle feature. The caption from the Instagram post reads, “We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears.” As written in her Elle article number seven on her list of 30 things I learned before turning 30, “My biggest fear. After the Manchester Arena bombing and the Vegas concert shooting, I was completely terrified to go on tour this time because I didn’t know how we were going to keep 3 million fans safe over seven months. There was a tremendous amount of planning, expense, and effort put into keeping my fans safe. My fear of violence has continued into my personal life. I carry QuikClot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds. Websites and tabloids have taken it upon themselves to post every home address I’ve ever had online. You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things. Every day I try to remind myself of the good in the world, the love I’ve witnessed and the faith I have in humanity. We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears.” In this playful scene, she is dancing with counterpart, Brendon Urie in front of a large crowd- this is significant because she mentions wanting to keep  her fans safe.  In the beginning of this scene.  Taylor is dancing on stage alone before ultimately being escorted down the stairs and closer the fans by Brendon Urie.  She’s learning to trust again and not let her fear of crazy people and bad situations define her.

Video Clue Number Thirteen

I love this instagram post of Taylor’s! The caption reads, “Due to the Butterfly migration in Southern California maybe I’ll just stay outdoors until I head indoors for the @iheartradio awards. On the release date of ME! , Taylor went live on Instagram with Brendon Urie. The two can be seen cruising around in a golf cart. She mentions they are on their way to rehearsals for the iheart radio awards, where she and Brendon will perform ME! Live for the first time! This photo also looks the same as the video in the aqua band uniform scene. You can see a rainbow behind her as well! The butterfly caption coincides with the butterflies seen in her recent instagram posts, outfit selections, and the butterflies seen in the beginning of the music video.  Maybe her album is titled Butterfly?!

Video Clue Number Fourteen

This instagram photo blew my mind once I figured it out! The photo is showing a similar skyline as seen in the music video to the left of the screen. In the video you see a pastel colored sky with a Kaleidoscope feel, just as you see in this photo! Also, I believe the trees seen in her instagram photo are symbolizing the three monumental buildings in the video!  The tree shapes seem to mimic the positioning of the video scene.  You have the church, Big Ben Clock in London where Joe is from and the Capitol building of the United States.  The capitol building is also seen in the middle of the screen as a rainbow- this is definitely a nod to the End game Music video.  There is always a rainbow after a storm.  This is once again signaling us to believe the album will release on independence day.  I’ll get to the End game clues again don’t worry!

Video Clue Number Fifteen

This next instagram photo was easy to spot in the video! She is posing the same as she is in her scene with Brendon Urie. She has her foot popped and hand on her hip; it’s identical to the instagram post. The two happily dance in cowboy boots- a nod to her country roots- They are seen in another rainbow tunnel that appears to have patterns and designs like a kaleidoscope.  Also, this is her 16th post on instagram about the new album.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence we see Taylor here wearing her old boots she would have worn when she got started at just 16 years old!

Video Clue Number Sixteen

I thought this scene in the music video was so fun and creative! The instagram post shows an up-close shot of her butterfly shoes. Again with the butterfly symbolizing!  Could this really be the Album title? I see what you are doing here Tay! In the video, Brendon Urie can be seen splashing colorful rainbow paint into the air. If you pause the video at just the right spot, the paint splatter in the air looks like the shape of the butterfly on her shoe. It’s also the same color! Mind blown at this point!

Video Clue Number Seventeen

This photo is another hint about Taylor’s upcoming iheart Radio performance! She stands in front of the backdrop with iheart Radio at a red carpet event! Maybe that’s what all of the hearts mean that you see throughout the video. In her caption, it says, “The delicate video winning Video of the year at iheartradio awards has me feeling delicate” I mean, at this point, I’m feeling pretty dang delicate for figuring all these nuggets of information out! In the music video, if you pause it at exactly 3:32, it’s a nod to her delicate video. She makes the same pose with her hands thrown in the air in the delicate video at 3:32 as she dances on a street that looks very similar to the one seen in the ME! Video.  In the delicate video, you see road constructing signs up in the background.  Her Reputation because her reputation era was an unexpected hault from her original plan.  In the ME! video, Things are looking more bright and colorful and less dreary like the delicate video.  You can clearly see the shape of a butterfly in the background of the ME! video.  And her dress appears to be melting away, much like what occurs in the chrysalis metamorphosis phase of a butterflies lifecycle.  I looked up the definition online: The pupa stage is one of the coolest stages of a butterfly’s life. … Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar are undergoing a remarkable transformation, called ‘metamorphosis,’ to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge.  This is LITERALLY what TAYLOR is doing in this seen OMG!!

Video Clue Eighteen

The last photo Taylor shared before posting up-close details from the video that sent fans into a frenzy, was another of her in front of an iheart Radio backdrop! She makes the same pose at the end of her ME!  video. The photo depicts a much more confident Swift!  The caption of this instagram post reads, “I love you guys. So much. I think she is literally saying, how much she truly loves all of her loyal die-hard fans! If you could make it this far, she considers you a true, true fan of hers. Who else would spend this many hours on a Friday night using detective skills to decode all of her little nuggets of information? None other than a huge fan!   Her clues and hints are giving me life! She has been sharing clues with us for months; all while we followed along unknowingly getting a glimpse into her new era! I’m here for it! All of it! Tay, take all of my money! Because I’m in love with this new chapter!  In her Elle Magazine article, her number Twenty three lesson she has learned before turning 30: “I learned that I have friends and fans in my life who don’t care if I’m #canceled. They were there in the worst times and they’re here now. The fans and their care for me, my well-being, and my music were the ones who pulled me through. The most emotional part of the Reputation Stadium Tour for me was knowing I was looking out at the faces of the people who helped me get back up. I’ll never forget the ones who stuck around.”  She’s nodding a Thank you to all of her loyal fans who have been with her through thick and thin.  She’s a butterfly.  Its a rebirth!  She’s transforming into her most confident Taylor yet!

 END GAME was the Plan to reveal the TS7 Release Date All Along and Here’s Why!

End Game has all the clues you never thought you needed to know!  Taylor has been teasing us all along, and we didn’t even know!  I think it’s more obvious than ever that Taylor’s 7th Studio album will release on Friday July 5th at Midnight… the end of End Independence day!  After you watch this video and search for the clues like I did, you’ll think for sure that’s her release date!  I was first directed to End Game immediately after Taylor released ME! music video on Friday 4.26 at Midnight.  It occured to me that the lyrics “Reputation precedes ME!” is written in the song End game several times.  She is clearly stating that the reputation album preceded this new album shes about to release with the first single being ME!  When I went to watch the End Game video, I was even more shocked at all the hints spread throughout the video.  It’s no secret that Taylor Swift thrives on the artful act of hiding many, MANY easter eggs for her fans to find.  And, man did she out do herself.  I cannot even wrap my head around how creative her mind is!

The End game video opens with a city skyline with the colors RED, WHITE, and BLUE being lit on the side of the building.  4th of July Release date.

Next, the word FUTURE is splashed onto our screen. Taylor is literally showing us into the Future and we had no idea.  I don’t think its a coincidence that Future the American Rapper is chosen to be featured in the End Game song.

Swift is seen riding shotgun in the car with Future as they cruise down a street lined with Palm trees on the left side.  There are also six light posts on the right hand side of the street that are lit up.  Perhaps nodding to her six released studio albums.  The last light post appears to have a heart.  That would coincide with all the hearts we’ve been seeing lately and the fact that she is set to perform at the iheart radio awards. The sky in this shot is also a stormy one.  You can see this is showing the storm she is going through with her reputation era.  These clouds are most likely the ones symbolized in the ME! video. 

Once again with the Palm tree easter eggs!  She is clearly throwing this clue in our faces!! She’s like look at this hint I’m giving you!  There are six palm tree applique sewn onto the blue jean jacket.  You can also see they start out small and get bigger and bigger.  Symbolizing Taylor’s success over her career.

Here we see clear as day the number 13 on the license plate.  We know that’s Taylor’s lucky number!  Immediately after, smoke comes out of the exhaust mimicking the shape of a firework.  Again with the 4th of July clue!

Palm Tree reflections seen in the car windshield.  She’s really on this palm tree kick!  She’s telling us this is important!

In the left corner of the screen, we see the creepy black cat!  The cat appears to be waiting outside of a door.  This is the same cat we see in the ME! video.  This is definitely not a coincidence.  This is significant and shows how long Taylor has been waiting to reveal these clues to us!

Fireworks and the beach!  showing Taylor at a 4th of July party celebrating!  Here she is again straight up telling us! YOU GUYS, I’m releasing the album on July 5th, just after the end of 4th of July!

In this scene, she is clearly foreshadowing the ME! video.  You see that screen? Looks a lot like the ME! video to me.  How about the floor with the pattern design, much like a Kaleidoscope. and those brightly colored cubes below the screen look like nothing other than the path in the beginning of the ME! video.  The one where Karyn, the reputation snake slithers across the pavement and morphs into a butterfly.  Kind of like what she’s doing with this new era huh?!  In this scene, Ed Sheeran raps my favorite verse in the entire song.  The one that was the biggest clue of all time!

Ed Sheeran’s Verse:

Knew her when I was young

Reconnected when we were little bit older (She’s actually telling us this album has been planned and set to the side.  She will reconnect with it when she’s a bit older)

Both sprung, I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders

Reputation precedes ME! (The reputation tour literally preceded the ME! Music video),

in rumors I’m knee deep (Talking about the July 2016 rumors created by a bully)

The truth is it’s easier to ignore it, believe me

Even when we’d argue, we don’t do it for long

And you understand the good and bad, end up in the song

For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease

For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities

I’ve made mistakes, and made some choices that’s hard to deny

(she’s mentioning the darker edgier persona she created for the Reputation era.  She’s also cruising on a bike wearing what looks like a snake skin or even Kaleidoscolpe pattern)

After the storm, something was born on the fourth of July (OMG!!! She is telling us the album comes out at 12:00AM on July 5, just one minute after July 4th)

(Ed is whacking Taylor in the head, as if he’s showing us, are you STUPID? how do you not see this plan? It’s clear as day!)

I’ve passed days without fun, this endgame is the one (She’s talking about not hosting 4th of July parties for two consecutive years in a row, but her end game, her big plan is the one that will be amazing her TS7 Album release date!)

With four words on the tip of my tongue, I’ll never say (The 4th of July)- could this be the 4 words on the tip of her tongue?)

Here Taylor and Ed hold up four hands each with four fingers up!  Again with the 4th of July.  Also, the pocket on her button down looks like a red, white, and blue, firework…

These are clearly words in Japanese and I cannot for the life of me figure out what they are.  I know it’s super important though because this is the cover image for The End Game music video.

Takes us to London where the ME! music video is clearly supposed to be filmed!

Looks like Taylor and her closest pals celebrating New Year’s Day.  The last song on the Reputation Album was named New Years Day.  The song was most like Swifts past lovely ballads with happiness sprinkled throughout.  She’s wearing a rainbow sequin outfit which makes it obvious that she is shifting back to her original plan after sidestepping for the unplanned Reputation tour!  NYD was most likely a prelude to more of what we can expect for the TS7 album.

Taylor playing the game Snake on a device that actually says “ENDGAME” in the center of the screen. Looks like she is on level 13.

Shortly after the snake game scene, Taylor is singing near white birds with the wings flapped out!  A symbol for this new era!  Wings can be seen all throughout the ME! music video.

Taylor’s Rap Verse in End Game:

I hit you like bang (BANG, 4th of July)
We tried to forget it, but we just couldn’t (Telling us she tried to forget this planned era but couldn’t)
And I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put ’em (She buried hatchets AKA TS6 was supposed to be what we are about to see in her new era, because she’s coming back)
Reputation precedes me, they told you I’m crazy (Again with saying Reputation Precedes ME!)
I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me
And I can’t let you go, your hand print’s on my soul
It’s like your eyes are liquor, it’s like your body is gold
You’ve been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks (She’s hidden lots of easter eggs for us to figure out the release date)
So here’s the truth from my red lips

Fireworks again in the sky!

And even more obvious here!

Ends the video with this scene!  The US Capitol!  The same one depicted in the ME! video you guys… also the bikes on the sides are seen throughout the ME! video!  I think it’s safe to say we can expect TS7 to release on July 5th at Midnight, what do you think? She’s spelling it out pretty clearly for us!  God I love her gifted and talented and madly creative mind! What a treat it’s been searching for all these clues!




All screen grabs are taken from Taylor Swifts Instagram and the official music videos on YouTube! I do not own the rights to any of the image content.

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